Avoid Narrow Framing & Instantly Improve Your Decision Making
A technique from behavioral psychology book 'Decisive' by Chip & Dan Heath
5 Books on the Re-Read Menu
Real learning comes from reflecting on great ideas repeatedly.
How To Make Your Life Storyworthy
Three activities + templates to find more meaning and expand your memory.
Goals Are for Losers and Passion Is Bullshit
Four refreshing ideas from ‘How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big’
The 3 Books That Have Shaped and Transformed My 2021
Newfound motivation, discipline and creativity.
You Can’t Force Focus. You Need To Train It, Like a Muscle.
What I’ve learned from the book ‘Deep Work’, including a technique to deal with technology distractions.
The One Tool You Need to Maximise Your Reading
There's little point in reading if you don't have a system.
It’s Not Technology. It’s You.
What I learned from the bestselling book ‘Indistractable’ by Nir Eyal
How To Train Your Brain To Be More Positive, Creative, and Resilient
Scientifically proven strategies from the bestselling book ‘The Happiness Advantage’
Five Mindshifting Lessons from the Book 'Atomic Habits'
Atomic Habits is an international bestseller by James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation.